Press Release
4 November 2014
The new federal Government

- Mr Charles Michel, the Prime Minister
- Mr Kris Peeters, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Employment, Economy and Consumer Affairs, in charge of Foreign Trade
- Mr Jan Jambon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Security and the Interior, in charge of Larger Towns and the Buildings Agency
- Mr Alexander De Croo, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development Cooperation, Digital Agenda, Telecom and Postal Services
- Mr Didier Reynders, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, in charge of Beliris and Federal Cultural Institutions
- Mr Hervé Jamar, Minister of the Budget, in charge of the National Lottery
- Mr Koen Geens, Minister of Justice
- Ms Maggie De Block, Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health
- Mr Daniel Bacquelaine, Minister of Pensions
- Mr Johan Van Overtveldt, Minister of Finance
- Mr Willy Borsus, Minister of Small Businesses, Self-employment, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Agriculture and Social Integration
- Ms Marie-Christine Marghem, Minister of Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
- Mr Steven Vandeput, Minister of Defence, in charge of the Civil Service
- Ms Jacqueline Galant, Minister of Mobility, in charge of Belgocontrol and the National Railway Company of Belgium
- Mr Pieter De Crem, State Secretary for Foreign Trade, attached to the Minister in charge of Foreign Trade
- Mr Bart Tommelein, State Secretary for the Fight against Social Fraud, Privacy and North Sea, attached to the Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health
Ms Elke Sleurs, State Secretary for Combating Poverty, for Equal Opportunities, for Disabled People, for the Fight against Tax Fraud and for Science Policy, attached to the Minister of Finance
- Mr Theo Francken, State Secretary for Asylum Policy and Migration, in charge of Administrative Simplification, attached to the Minister of Security and the Interior