Joint Statement of the Federal Government, of recognised religions and of secular organisations to reaffirm our commitment to building together and not to compromise on our fundamental values
Following the dramatic attacks in Brussels on 22 March 2016, we wish to reiterate our ongoing and unrelenting commitment to fight hatred, extremism and violent radicalism.
Once again, we want to express our compassion for the victims, their families and their friends. Many victims are still hospitalised today. A long period of recovery and convalescence lies ahead of them. We would also like to emphasise the remarkable work of the medical teams, fire fighters and police and thank them for all they have done and continue to do for the victims and their families.
The last few years have been marked by far too many tragic events in Europe and around the world. Every time, millions of democrats have recalled with force and determination the founding principles of our democracies.
Together, we would like to recall the founding principles of our society. These principles, like separation of Church and State, freedom of expression, fight against discrimination, the freedom to believe and the freedom not to believe but also the indispensable equality between men and women are not open to negotiation. Not now. Not ever.
Belgium is an open, tolerant and welcoming country. Terrorism, fundamentalism, radicalism and speech inciting hatred have no place here. More than ever, we should avoid falling into the trap set by terrorists aimed at pitting citizens against each other. We should avoid all generalisations and polarisations. We are proud of the values that are our own.
We do not wish to have an insular and distrustful society. To fight against cultural isolationism, we must work tirelessly toward a society where each individual is respected and respects others.
We would like a free society where everyone, with their uniqueness, their history, their roots and their course of life can find their place and become a responsible participant in society. Respecting every individual allows them to emancipate themselves and express their diversity. Respecting every individual also offers the guarantee of a freedom to believe or not to believe and of equal treatment to which each citizen has a legitimate right.
Our commitment is inviolable: we shall continue to defend and to promote the common base of our values. Radicalism must be fought relentlessly and unambiguously.
In these troubled times more than ever, the State and the official bodies of the churches and of secular organisations are committing themselves to fighting obscurantism. More than ever, the State must defend the security of every citizen and their freedom to express their convictions while respecting democracy and the rule of law.